Something Happened Last Year That I Don't Want to Forget

A few years ago, Rebecca started this thing were we would write down memorable things and place the slip of paper in a jar to read at the end of the year.  Well, we've never really been any good at keeping up with it, an have more or less discontinued the practice, but as I was cleaning the shelves tonight in anticipation of our upcoming year long trip, I came across a jar full of cool things from 2014.  Before I recycle the slips of paper, I wanted to capture what was written and by whom.  So, here goes . . .

10/24/2013 - Jonah pitched his first game.  He struck out two batters, got a single and a double and drove in three runs. He also scored a run and stole a base!

Dec 31/Jan 1 - We drove home from NJ and arrived at 10:30 pm. Watched fireworks at midnight from the bedroom window with Jonah while Mom and Maya slept - Pop

1/3/201 - Snow Day!  Priya, Jolie and Lucien came over and played all day.  Then we went to the Wizards game. The Raptors won 101-88 - Mom

1/3/2014 - WE GOT A GUINEA PIG!! - Maya

1/3/2014 - We got Sugar!! - Jonah

1/3/2014 - Paul and I went to the Phillips Collection to see the Van Gogh Exhibit. We saw Renoir's Boating Party and some excellent Van Goghs. - Rebecca

1/4/2014 - Priya and Jolie came over and we went sledding ! - Maya

1/4/2014 - Paul got tickets to Woolly Mammoth "The Pajama Men".  Hilarious!  Had sushi at Zento then laughed uproariously at the show. - Rebecca

1/20/2014 - Sugar and Spice meet for the first time. They rubbed noses and sniffed butts! - Paul

2/1/2014 - Jonah's pinewood derby racer "Red Oak" came in 2nd place overall in his den - Pop

2/3/2014 -Maya put on all the fencing gear for the first time. It was sweaty, she said. - Pop

2/8/2014 - Rebecca's birthday party when the Griffin's (Gary and Alex) played guitar and sang and the Scott's (Megan and David) did the Charleston.- Paul

2-12-2014 - At the start of a snowstorm that might bring 12 to 14 inches. Exciting! - Paul

3-3-2014 - The distance between the table and the front door is a hop, skip, jump and a handstand. - Jonah

3-3-2014 - Monday, snow day!  School shut down.  Government too. - Paul

3-8-2014 - Playing hockey with Evan and Taylor at school.

3-22-2014 - Sugar spent the niight under the shed. What a relief to get her back the next day! - Pop

3-22-2014 - Watched the Michael Jackson Cirque de Soleil show at George Mason Patriot Center. - Pop

9-20-2014 - Nando's Peri Peri for Mom's 68th birthday with Christine, Gabe, and Cathy. - Paul